Helpful solutions for all things nursing
I’m Sarah
Hello! I’m Sarah, and I’m so glad you are visiting me here at my blog. When I started Mother Nurse Love I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, but I knew I needed some sort of outlet for the overwhelming exhaustion and burnout I was feeling as a registered nurse and new mom. My goal was to find more effective ways to take better care of myself and make my life a little easier. By researching and writing about my experiences, it helped me find new solutions to help me live a happier, healthier life – both at work and home.
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How A Crib Tent Helped Our Family Sleep Again
A crib tent gave our family the give of sleep (and sanity!) after out toddler learned to climb out of her crib at 16 months. Read about how we tried to prevent “crib escape” and why a crib tent was the most helpful toddler purchase we have made, ever.
7 Ways To Beat Nurse Burnout
Are you a nurse who feels exhausted, anxious, or dreads going to work? If so, you too may be experiencing burnout. Here are 7 tips to beat nurse burnout that can help you overcome this chronic, stressful state and learn to thrive again!
My “About Me” Page and Our Huffington Post Interview
A journalist at the Huntington Post contacted me about a month ago through my blog. She asked if my husband and I would be interested in being interviewed for a piece that she was doing about what it was like being married to an ER nurse. Of course I said yes!