Kid Safety
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Latest in Kid Safety

Baby Proofing Checklist (From A Mom, RN)
First, baby starts to roll and crawl. Then they start “cruising.” And finally, your sweet little bundle of joy takes his or her first Frankenstein steps. And just like that, you have a walker! If you haven’t baby proofed your house yet, but need to, read this!

5 Simple Steps For Laundry Room Safety
As an emergency room nurse, I have witnessed first-hand plenty of accidents involving children that could have been prevented- including the ingestion of household items. It only takes a second for those tiny, delicate hands to get into trouble when a home isn’t properly child-proofed. So in honor of emergency nurses week this October and my desire to encourage other parents to take an active stance in child-proofing their homes, my #1 safety message this year is to encourage parents to put their packets up!

7 Essential Items Your Nanny Needs From You
Going back to work is hard, but leaving your baby in the hands of other is so much harder. The only thing you can do is prepare the best that you can (and remember, its probably way harder for you then it is for them!). Here is a list of essential items your nanny needs from you so you go back to work without worry.

How To Make A Homemade Emergency Survival Kit
As I wrote this, I took inventory of the homemade emergency survival kit I made last September and I’m asking my self the same question as I did then: is my family prepared if we had a major emergency such as a natural disaster or terrorist attack? Read more to learn how to make a homemade emergency survival kit!

How To Prepare An Emergency Supply Kit In Case Of A Disaster
September is National Preparedness Month and it may be a good time to put together an emergency supply kit so you are ready in case of a catastrophic event. Read more to learn about how to create a basic emergency supply kit for your home and find resources to help you prepare your family in the event of a natural disaster or terrorist attack.
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