The Shop
The Shop is here!
Over the years we have found many products to help make the RN and mom life better. These are tried and true products that we have used and are making life easier as we know it. This page has affiliate links and we receive a small commission – no cost to you – if you decide to purchase. But we wouldn’t recommend unless we have vetted ourselves. Have a look around!
Nurse Certification
Fast & accredited online certifications and renewals through accredited courses and comprehensive programs. Obtain certification and licensing, and stay up to date on the latest and best treatments and techniques.

BEST EVER Family Meal Subscription Boxes
Make your busy working-mom life easier by planning ahead with healthy and tasty meals. Have fun with your kids on your days off. I love these! CLICK ON THE BOX FOR THE LATEST DEALS! (Prices below are starting prices per each).
Nurse Essentials
Are your ready for your shift? A great watch, comfortable shoes, a stylish water bottle to stay hydrated, and a nursing bag to keep supplies are just a few of the important nurse necessities. (Click links for updated pricing.)

Awesome Activities For Kids
Here are several ways to keep kids active and learning at home. Introduce your children to the global world, help them "think outside" while exploring nature, jump around for fitness (and to burn off some energy), and make baking a fun family event for the whole family.
How To Organize Your Whole Life
Plan out your year, budget like a boss, master your meals, organize your projects, and crush your goals. I have used a lot pf planners over the years, but nothing has helped me organize my life quite like this. yES, PLEASE!