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Nurse Health: Self Care For 12 Hour Shifts
If you are like a lot of hardworking shift workers, you may at times feel overworked, exhausted, and even burned out. With a bit of preparation and focus on your personal well-being, you can be both a healthy nurse and give great care to your patients. It’s time to focus on nurse self-care.

Simple Mom Self Care Goals You Need Now
You can’t pour from an empty cup. Here are a few helpful mom self-care tips to keep yourself happy, healthy and sane in 2020.

9 Tips To Relieve Foot Pain From Standing All Day
If I had a dollar for every time I hear a nurse say they had foot pain I would be rich! Nurses need to be taking care of themselves now more then ever – especially when it comes to foot care. After all, as nurses are working long 12+ hour days and we often spend it standing and/or walking the entire time. Here are the top nine tips to treat foot pain for nurses.

A Nurse’s Guide To Soothing Common Aches And Pains
Being a nurse is tough on your body – even a single shift can lead to a variety of aches and pains! While not every injury is avoidable, there are certain steps that nurses can take to prevent and manage some of the most common complaints. Here are 9 strategies that will help you manage the aches and pains that come with being a nurse.

Tired Nurse Health Tips: When Sufficient Sleep Isn’t Possible
Nurses are working round-the-clock, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. So how are sleep deprived nurses supposed to care for their health when getting enough sleep is sometimes not a realistic option? Here are 7 helpful, actionable tips for your health as a nurse when getting a good nights sleep just isn’t possible.
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