Helpful solutions for all things nursing
I’m Sarah
Hello! I’m Sarah, and I’m so glad you are visiting me here at my blog. When I started Mother Nurse Love I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, but I knew I needed some sort of outlet for the overwhelming exhaustion and burnout I was feeling as a registered nurse and new mom. My goal was to find more effective ways to take better care of myself and make my life a little easier. By researching and writing about my experiences, it helped me find new solutions to help me live a happier, healthier life – both at work and home.
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9 Helpful Blogging Tips For New Bloggers
Blogging can be overwhelming and stressful for a new blogger. Here are 9 helpful tips to help new bloggers step in the right direction.
Best Holiday Gifts For Pregnant Nurses
Here are the best holiday gifts for pregnant nurses! These gifts are perfect as a baby shower gift , a stocking stuffer or as a gift under the Christmas Tree. We all know that nurses are amazing caregivers by nature. Why not celebrate that with a gift the reflects all of her many talents!
Silent Placental Abruption: Our Premature Birth Story
I experienced a silent placental abruption when I was 33 weeks pregnant. This is the story of how our “tiny but mighty” little girl made her entrance into the world and why we continue to thank our lucky stars everyday.