Working Mom
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Nurse Life: How To Achieve A Work Life Balance
Many nurses struggle with finding a work life balance. With increasingly demanding 12-hour shifts, it can be tough to stay healthy and sane when you are constantly going mile a minute. Here a a few tips on how to achieve a work life balance between your nursing career and your personal life!

My “About Me” Page and Our Huffington Post Interview
A journalist at the Huntington Post contacted me about a month ago through my blog. She asked if my husband and I would be interested in being interviewed for a piece that she was doing about what it was like being married to an ER nurse. Of course I said yes!

Top 8 Pumping Essentials You Need
What are the must-have items to pump at work that you really need? After successfully pumping as an ER nurse in a very busy level 1 trauma center for the last 4 months I have narrowed down my pumping needs supply list to include the most important necessities. Find out what pumping items made the cut!

How To Pump At Work As A Nurse
I have been successfully pumping as an ER nurse in a very busy level 1 trauma center for the last two months. Here are 9 tips for successfully pumping as a registered nurse who works 12 hour shifts!
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