Working Mom
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Essential Mental Health Strategies for Nurses
Today’s nurses are working under a cloud of fear and stress, which can lead to physical and psychological symptoms. However, there are steps that nurses can take to minimize the effects of high-stress levels and keep themselves and their families balanced.

5 Best Nurse Jobs For Moms
There are so many flexible careers for nurses who are moms and need better work-life balance. Read more to learn about the best nursing careers for moms.

3 Ways Being a Nurse Prepared Me For Motherhood
Here is how being a nurse helped prepare me for many of the complex issues that I would have raising tiny humans.

My 6 Biggest Nursing Career Fears As An Experienced RN
I recently began a comprehensive writing and website development course that will take me at least 12 months to complete. And one of my first assignments was to write about a major fear that I have that pertains to my current writing niche. This post forced me to face a few very real fears I have about my professional life. Here are the 6 things I fear most about my nursing career.

9 Personal Self Care Goals I Set For Myself as a Nurse
As a nurse I have always had a sacrificial attitude that I will compassionately care for others first and put my own needs last – and that is just not going to cut it anymore. The thought of finishing an entire career with this amount of wear-and-tear is frightening. Something has to give before I completely fizzle and burn to a crisp. So, this is me putting the oxygen mask on myself first. Here are my very real goals for self-compassion from a very tired nurse.
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