Toddler Life
Latest in Toddler Life

Raddish Kids Review: A Kid’s Kitchen Subscription Box
Historically, I have never been that interested in ordering subscription boxes for myself – or my kids. But then the COVID-19 shut down forced me to think differently about everything I do, especially went it involves how I parent. Here is an honest Raddish Kids review of a monthly kid’s cooking club subscription box.

5 Simple Steps For Laundry Room Safety
As an emergency room nurse, I have witnessed first-hand plenty of accidents involving children that could have been prevented- including the ingestion of household items. It only takes a second for those tiny, delicate hands to get into trouble when a home isn’t properly child-proofed. So in honor of emergency nurses week this October and my desire to encourage other parents to take an active stance in child-proofing their homes, my #1 safety message this year is to encourage parents to put their packets up!

How A Crib Tent Helped Our Family Sleep Again
A crib tent gave our family the give of sleep (and sanity!) after out toddler learned to climb out of her crib at 16 months. Read about how we tried to prevent “crib escape” and why a crib tent was the most helpful toddler purchase we have made, ever.

10 Simple Ways To Help Your Toddler Prepare For A New Sibling
I was so worried about how our toddler would react to her new baby brother. Now that he is 4 months old, she adores him. But this new fondness for her baby brother didn’t come without a few hiccups along the way. Here are 10 simple ways you can help your toddler prepare for a new sibling.

The Art Of Taking Road Trips With A Toddler
We have pretty much been-there-done-that with every single tip ever mentioned on how to make road tripping easier when you’re toting a toddler along. Having made several 8 hour car treks from LA to Northern California over a half dozen times you would think we would be experts at toddler travel by now. Yet, road tripping with our toddler remains a constant learning experience for us. This week was no exception as our family trekked eight hours from El Segundo to Tomales Bay located on the Northern California Pacific Coast for a well-needed vacation. Read more to learn our top 5 tricks for toddler travel and why it is so important for us to keep taking family vacations with a toddler in tow.
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