The Motherhood

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Latest in Motherhood

Embracing The Nesting Phase of Pregnancy

Embracing The Nesting Phase of Pregnancy

I’m currently in the “nesting phase.” It is a phenomenon women often experience during pregnancy that includes a feeling of overwhelming desire to get the home ready for a new baby. My week included an extraordinary amount of cleaning, organizing and planning. One of the fuels for my nesting frenzy was my 30 week OB appointment. Our little man is measuring at a much larger 32 weeks and is already weighing in at a hefty 4lbs 7oz. He is going to be a big baby!

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I Had A Placental Abruption At 33 Weeks: Our NICU Experience

I Had A Placental Abruption At 33 Weeks: Our NICU Experience

I had a placental abruption when I was 33 weeks pregnant and we are very lucky parents for our fortunate outcome. 30 % of my placenta (the lifeline delivering blood, oxygen and nutrients to our baby) spontaneously peeled away from my uterus. Luckily, I was able to have an early emergency c-section and we had a very tiny, yet healthy preemie. This post was very personal for me. I wrote about the events leading up to the placental abruption and how important it is to trust your maternal instincts.

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