Mom Tips & Tricks

Mom Tips & Tricks


I Had A Placental Abruption At 33 Weeks: Our NICU Experience

I Had A Placental Abruption At 33 Weeks: Our NICU Experience

I had a placental abruption when I was 33 weeks pregnant and we are very lucky parents for our fortunate outcome. 30 % of my placenta (the lifeline delivering blood, oxygen and nutrients to our baby) spontaneously peeled away from my uterus. Luckily, I was able to have an early emergency c-section and we had a very tiny, yet healthy preemie. This post was very personal for me. I wrote about the events leading up to the placental abruption and how important it is to trust your maternal instincts.

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The Art Of Taking Road Trips With A Toddler

The Art Of Taking Road Trips With A Toddler

We have pretty much been-there-done-that with every single tip ever mentioned on how to make road tripping easier when you’re toting a toddler along. Having made several 8 hour car treks from LA to Northern California over a half dozen times you would think we would be experts at toddler travel by now. Yet, road tripping with our toddler remains a constant learning experience for us. This week was no exception as our family trekked eight hours from El Segundo to Tomales Bay located on the Northern California Pacific Coast for a well-needed vacation. Read more to learn our top 5 tricks for toddler travel and why it is so important for us to keep taking family vacations with a toddler in tow.

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