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What Is A Nurse Health Coach?
If the desire for flexibility and autonomy is inspiring you to look outside of the hospital setting for new opportunities, becoming a nurse health coach might be a career worth exploring. Read on to learn more about what a nurse health coach does and how they have the power to make a positive impact on patient’s lives.

8 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Became A Nurse
Here are a few things I really wish someone had told me before becoming a nurse…

How To Get Your First Nursing Job: 6 Steps
You did it! You finally graduated from nursing school. It is time to put all of your critical thinking skills to work and apply your clinical skills in action so you can start helping patients. But first, you need to find work. Here are 6 steps to help you get your first nursing job.

3 Ways Being a Nurse Prepared Me For Motherhood
Here is how being a nurse helped prepare me for many of the complex issues that I would have raising tiny humans.

Kid-Friendly, Grandparent Approved: 12 Activities For Kids And Seniors
Here are 12 fun activities kids can do with grandma and grandpa to keep them involved in the family and active in their day-to-day lives.
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