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Important Facts About Disposable Masks
While we continue to navigate through the COVID-19 global pandemic, the importance of wearing a mask is a matter to be taken very seriously. Wearing a face mask when it is impossible to socially distance is essential to keep yourself and those around you safe. Despite...

3 Key Components of Compassionate Patient Care
A successful nursing career requires more than just skills and certifications; you also need patience, kindness, and compassion. These traits help you develop meaningful and effective relationships with every patient in your care. Compassion allows you to comfort and...

What Are The Responsibilities Of A CRNA?
CRNA stands for “certified registered nurse anesthetist.” Though every medical professional serves an essential function, CRNAs are critical to the success of many procedures. “What are the responsibilities of a CRNA?” you may ask. Here are a few of the most important...

Self-Care Tips for Nurses Who Stand All Day at Work
There isn’t much time to relax when you work as a nurse, especially during the middle of a pandemic. Too much time standing takes a bigger toll on our bodies than we may believe, even if we’re not lifting heavy objects or doing vigorous exercise. The physical pain of...

The Perks of Becoming a Travel Nurse
This is a fantastic time to begin training as a nurse, simply because the need has never been greater. Not only are people living longer than they used to and requiring more care, but many healthcare organizations are already having staffing issues. This is expanding an exciting opportunity for those interested in travel nursing. Here are the perks of becoming a travel nurse!
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