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Nurturing the Healers: Promoting Mental Wellness in the Nursing Profession
This article aims to shed light on RN mental health challenges and provide strategies for promoting mental wellness in the nursing profession.

Preparing For Your First Travel Nursing Assignment
Your first assignment as a travel nurse can be both exciting and intimidating. Read on for valuable tips that’ll help you set yourself up for career, financial, and personal life success as a travel nurse.

The Best Nurse Coffee Mugs (2023)
Not only is coffee essential for our daily function as nurses but it also offers health benefits to our brains and body as well. Here are the top-rated nurse coffee mugs for you to enjoy your daily cup of Joe. They make great gifts for nurses too!

Charge Nurse Role: What You Need To Know
Hospitals and other medical institutions depend on great leadership to keep things running smoothly – and with nearly 4 million working nurses in the United States, having an effective charge nurse is no exception!

Benefits of Per Diem Nursing (PRN Nurse)
Have you ever considered becoming a per diem (or PRN) nurse? Good news, you are in the right place to learn everything you need to know!
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