Self Care for Caregivers
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7 Quick And Easy Workouts For Busy Nurses
As a busy nurse it can be so hard to find time to exercise, especially since the average workout class lasts about 60 minutes. The good news is that there are lots of workouts that can easily be done at home on your own time whenever you have a few free minutes. Here are 7 ideas that will help you squeeze in a quick & effective workout with minimal equipment and time. Now, take off your scrubs, put on your workout clothes and get moving!

7 Easy Restorative Yoga Poses For Nurses
Yoga offers nurses who work exhausting 12 hour shifts a way to give themselves a little more self-care. Furthermore, when we replenish our own reserves it helps us take even better care of our families and patients with more compassion. Here are 7 energizing and easy yoga poses for nurses who need more self-care!

Fit Nurse: Simple Ways To Exercise As A Busy Nurse Mom
Over the last month I have been interviewing fellow nurse moms to find out how they manage to squeeze in a workout while balancing motherhood and 12 hour shifts. The feedback I received was very encouraging! The conversations I had with these nurses convinced me that it is in fact very possible to stay fit when it seems that there is no more time in the day. Read more to learn how.

Travel Nurses Need Yoga To Stay Healthy!
If you know anything about me at all, you know that I absolutely LOVE yoga (its a little obsessive actually). Which is why am thrilled I had the opportunity to write a guest post for a travel nursing blog titled 3 Very Important Reasons Why Travel Nurses Need Yoga!

Sunbasket Meal Delivery Review By A Mom, RN
My husband and I started using Sun Basket meal delivery three years ago when I was pregnant with our daughter. Since then we have introduced it to several other families who have found the same value in it that we have. With Sun Basket meal delivery I get simple recipes, organic nutrition, and a way to prepare a good meal that takes 30 minutes or less to prepare. If having scrumptious organic home cooked meals regularly without a ton of hassle is something that interests you too, please continue to read about the 9 reasons Sun Basket meal delivery has brought great value to our family.
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