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Tired Nurse Health Tips: When Sufficient Sleep Isn’t Possible
Nurses are working round-the-clock, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. So how are sleep deprived nurses supposed to care for their health when getting enough sleep is sometimes not a realistic option? Here are 7 helpful, actionable tips for your health as a nurse when getting a good nights sleep just isn’t possible.

4 Reasons Why Nurses Should Drink Matcha Green Tea
As an experiment, I decided to switch out my coffee habit entirely with matcha green tea (a difficult step for me, as I am a coffee addict and a coffee snob!). Since then I have switched out my coffee habit and replaced it entirely with matcha! Here are 4 important reasons why nurses should drink matcha instead of coffee!

7 Energizing Yoga Poses For Nurses (With Photos!)
As nurses we must do the best we can to take care of ourselves (no one else at the hospital is going to do that for us). This includes giving our bodies the rest, rejuvenation and tender love that we give to our patients each shift. No more self-sacrificing attitudes! Here are 7 energizing pre-shift yoga poses to start your nursing shift off on the right foot!

7 Helpful Ways To Stay Hydrated For Nurses
Water is essential for nurses to stay hydrated, maintain stamina and for overall health and well-being. Nurse health is as important as our patient’s health and must be prioritized to prevent dehydration during busy hospital shifts. Here are 6 easy ways to stay hydrated during nursing shifts.

5 Ways Nurses Can Practice Holistic Self-Care
A holistic approach to self-care encompasses several different components—including nutrition, lifestyle, environmental and socioeconomic factors—to make sure that you’re not neglecting any aspect of your wellness. In this post, we break down each of these elements and explain how nurses can better practice them in their daily lives.
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