Nurse Life
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Pros And Cons Of 12 Hour Shifts
Before you consider hospital nursing as a career you may want to weigh the pros and cons of 12 hour nursing shifts. I wish someone had shared this information with me before I became a nurse so that I had a better idea of what to expect. Especially as a working mother! Here are the pros and cons of working 12 hour nursing shifts.

The Best Nurse Pocket Organizers For Nursing Shifts
If you aren’t using a nurse pocket organizer or medical utility bag to stay organized during nursing shifts then you need to check out this list. Nursing shifts can be insanely busy… do you really want to keep making extra trips back to the supply closet or med room for things you keep forgetting?

Why I Love Working As An ER Nurse
As a resource nurse who has worked in many specialties and units all over the hospital setting, I have discovered that I am an ER nurse at heart. Here are the reasons why I think ER nursing is the best.

The Best Nurse Tumblers (2023)
With a trusty nurse tumbler by your side, you’ll stay hydrated, energized, and ready to conquer those long shifts. These stainless steel tumblers make a great gift for your favorite nurse too! Cheers to keeping the world healthier, one sip at a time!

Nurse Health: Self Care For 12 Hour Shifts
If you are like a lot of hardworking shift workers, you may at times feel overworked, exhausted, and even burned out. With a bit of preparation and focus on your personal well-being, you can be both a healthy nurse and give great care to your patients. It’s time to focus on nurse self-care.
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