Reasons To Include Family in Patient Care

by | Mar 10, 2021 | Featured Content

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Patient care is one of a nurse’s most important duties, but it’s not their duty alone—it’s also extremely beneficial to include a patient’s family in caring for the patient. As a nurse, it’s your responsibility to make that happen. Here are a few of the best reasons to include family in patient care.

Provides Support System for Patient

A patient’s family is essentially a built-in support system for them. As such, it’s beneficial to keep families well-informed and involved in patient care to support the patient effectively. With a patient’s consent, inform their family of their situation, condition, and potential treatments, and consider allowing specific family members to be present for difficult conversations. Family can support a patient emotionally when they receive difficult news, and family can also help a patient evaluate treatment options and make difficult decisions.

Aids in a Speedy and Successful Recovery

When a patient’s family is involved in patient education and care, they will be more able to understand the patient’s condition and aid in a speedy and successful recovery. While patients, especially older patients or children, may not be capable of caring for themselves entirely, consistently, or effectively, a patient’s family can come alongside them and help them take the steps necessary to eventually reach recovery. For example, involved family members can help patients consistently perform necessary therapy or take their prescribed medications on time.

Improves Patient’s Mental Health

Being sick and confined to a hospital, especially for long periods, is often an isolating experience that takes a toll on a patient’s mental health and morale. That’s one reason why regular visits and involvements from a patient’s family are so crucial. A patient’s family makes up a vital part of their social network. A patient’s family who is regularly involved in their life and care can help them maintain a positive attitude, leading them to feel happier and more secure and experience better mental health overall.

These reasons to include family in patient care demonstrate the benefits that including family can offer a patient during a difficult time of sickness or hospitalization. If your patient is on good terms with their family and willing to include them, involve your patient’s family in education and care as much as possible. It will do both the patient and their family a world of good.

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