Nurse Yoga
Nurse Yoga
Yoga For Nurses: 3 Crucial Reasons Nurses Need Yoga
Yoga’s amazing benefits for physical and mental health are well documented in literature. Yoga for nurses can help to manage stress, prevent or eliminate lower back pain and prevent burnout and compassion fatigue. A yoga mat, blocks and a strap can help get your yoga journey started.
7 Energizing Yoga Poses For Nurses (With Photos!)
As nurses we must do the best we can to take care of ourselves (no one else at the hospital is going to do that for us). This includes giving our bodies the rest, rejuvenation and tender love that we give to our patients each shift. No more self-sacrificing attitudes! Here are 7 energizing pre-shift yoga poses to start your nursing shift off on the right foot!
7 Easy Restorative Yoga Poses For Nurses
Yoga offers nurses who work exhausting 12 hour shifts a way to give themselves a little more self-care. Furthermore, when we replenish our own reserves it helps us take even better care of our families and patients with more compassion. Here are 7 energizing and easy yoga poses for nurses who need more self-care!
Travel Nurses Need Yoga To Stay Healthy!
If you know anything about me at all, you know that I absolutely LOVE yoga (its a little obsessive actually). Which is why am thrilled I had the opportunity to write a guest post for a travel nursing blog titled 3 Very Important Reasons Why Travel Nurses Need Yoga!
Why Nurses Need To Practice Yoga: Self Care For The Caregiver
Nursing is a challenging career. In addition to physical problems such as chronic back pain, being a nurse can contribute to additional issues like burnout, compassion fatigue, chronic stress or even depression. Nurses need to make self care a priority. One way to do that is by developing a regular yoga practice. Read more to learn what the research says about the benefits of having a yoga practice.