6 Ways to Show Support for Nurses and Healthcare Workers

6 Ways to Show Support for Nurses and Healthcare Workers

Written by: Infinity Scrubs

Nurses are healthcare workers who have incredibly stressful — and often thankless — jobs. And, right now, they need support more than ever before. Whether there is a nurse in your family or you are looking for ways to show your support and appreciation for healthcare workers as a whole, there are several things you can do. Here are a few suggestions. 

Make a Donation

Even as more and more people are vaccinated against COVID-19, healthcare professionals will still be feeling the effects of the virus for a long time. While personal protective equipment has become more readily available, donating essential supplies is an excellent way to show your support for healthcare workers in your community. 

Whether you stock up the healthcare worker in your life with antimicrobial laundry detergent, drop off some N95 masks at a local hospital, or even make a financial donation to a healthcare organization, your contribution will be greatly appreciated. You could even sponsor a lunch for the employees at your doctor’s office. If you aren’t sure what to donate, contact a facility or organization in your area to find out what they need or want. 

Financially unable to donate cash or supplies? Consider donating blood instead. The Red Cross has an ongoing need for blood and platelets. If you are eligible to donate, your donation could save lives and help healthcare workers care for their patients. 

What You Should Know Before Going into Nursing

Give a Thoughtful Gift

Healthcare providers don’t expect to be rewarded for their jobs, but thoughtful gifts are always appreciated. Consider buying some high-quality mens’ print scrub tops and giving them to a nurse or doctor you know. Or offer to cover the cost of a pair of new nursing shoes. This type of gift is thoughtful and practical and would be appreciated by anyone who works in the healthcare industry. 

If you would rather give a gift that is not work-related, gift cards for local restaurants and entertainment venues are always appreciated. A spa day or an appointment with a massage therapist would make a great gift, too. 

Remember that a great gift does not have to cost a lot of money. If you have kids, help them make cute gifts to pass out to local healthcare workers. Even a tiny token of your appreciation will mean a lot. 

Help Them at Home

If you personally know a nurse or another healthcare professional, offer to help them out at home. You could lend a hand with childcare while at work, prepare a healthy meal, or offer to mow their lawn or tidy up their house. Even picking up their grocery order or running simple errands would be greatly appreciated. 

Healthcare workers are exhausted. By offering to help them out at home, you give them the gift of having one less thing to worry about. When it comes to lending a hand, no gesture is too small. 

3 nurses smiling while working in the hospital

Don’t Clear the Shelves in Stores

Hoarding is not as problematic now as it was in the early days of the pandemic, but there are still those who panic buy much more than they need. And, in doing so, they make it difficult for people like nurses to find supplies. Folks who work long hours don’t have time to run from store to store trying to find toilet paper or other essentials. Make their life easier by not clearing the shelves when you go shopping. 

Also, this should go without saying but do not “stock up” on supplies by taking them from hospitals and doctors’ offices. Even if it seems like they have an abundance of face masks, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and gloves, etc., these supplies are not there for you to take and use at home. Medical facilities do not have unlimited supplies of personal protective equipment and other essentials. By taking what they have for your own use, you take it away from the healthcare workers who desperately need it and drive up healthcare costs. 

Say “Thank You”

Showing your gratitude and support does not have to be complicated or cost a single cent. Remembering to say “thank you” when interacting with nurses, doctors, therapists, and other healthcare professionals is a simple gesture that could mean the world to someone with a rough day. 

Working in healthcare can be a thankless job. And, during stressful times, feeling unappreciated is even more difficult. Anytime you interact with or see a healthcare worker, offer up a smile and a thank you. You might make someone’s entire week better. 

Remember That They Are Human

Healthcare workers have been the superheroes of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to remember, though, that they are human at the end of the day. They face many of the same challenges as you are, and they have the added stress of having incredibly demanding jobs. 

Recognize that nurses and other healthcare workers — especially those working on the frontlines — face unimaginable hardships. Let them know how much you appreciate them and cut them some slack if they don’t seem quite as cheerful as usual. They have had to show superhuman strength over the last several months, but don’t let that make you forget that they are human.

Per Diem Nursing Gave Me A Work-Life Balance

Per Diem Nursing Gave Me A Work-Life Balance

The nursing profession has some incredible flexibility perks that make it a whole lot easier for me to be a working mom.

To start, I usually work three days a week, which is full-time for a nurse. I can fit my 38-40 hours into three days instead of in 5 like most of the working world. Occasionally, depending on what is going on at home, I only work two days, and on rare occasions, I’ll only work one.

My workdays, however, are extraordinarily long for what most people would consider a “normal” workday. I leave my house at 5:45 in the morning. Most evenings, I don’t walk in the door until after 8:30 pm.

About 13 hours are spent at the hospital, and I’m working my tail off every minute of it. My brain is completely shut off from all aspects of my home life during those long, arduous shifts.

Unfortunately, I don’t get to see my daughter at all on the days I work. I leave before she wakes up, and I’m home after she goes to bed. I may as well be out of town on those days.

A 5-day Work Week Becomes Three

Unlike most professions, I can only work three days a week (or less if I choose to). And that means that I get to be home at least four days a week to spend solid, interrupted, quality time with my daughter and husband. I love my days off and use them wisely!

On top of that, I became a per diem nurse in May of 2016.

Per diem means “by the day.” As a nurse, I am literally employed on a day-by-day basis. Hospitals need per diem nurses to cover staffing needs in the hospital, which can vary by day or season.

Per diem nursing is a game-changer for me as a working mom. It is so flexible that I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to go back to being a career RN again.

Benefits Of Per Diem Nursing

  • I earn significantly higher pay than I would as a career nurse.
  • I work as little as one day a week or as many as five days a week (as long as there is a need for an RN).
  • I make my own schedule (if the hospital doesn’t need me, they call me off).
  • I can cancel at the last minute (as long as it is by 3 am).
  • I can add on a shift at the last minute.
  • I get incredible growth opportunities. I never stop learning or being challenged.
  • I get to work in many different specialties: Emergency Room, Cardiac, Liver Transplant, Medicine, Neuroscience and Stroke, and Oncology, to name a few.
  • I have opportunities to “master in” to a unit that is chronically short on staffing needs for a period of time. This guarantees a certain number of hours for that time period.

Drawbacks Of Per Diem Nursing

  • I have no benefits.  No retirement, no disability, no sick days, no vacation days, no paid maternity leave.
    If I don’t work, I don’t get paid.
  • The hospital can cancel me at the last minute. And they have many times. This is frustrating as I already have childcare scheduled for the day.
  • Many per diem nurses complain that they often get stuck with more difficult assignments than other nurses on the same floor.
  • You must be a jack of all trades. Working with so many different specialties can be hard because each floor has a different patient population with unique needs and hospital protocols.

Finding A Work-Life Balance In Per Diem Nursing

Rocks balancing to represent work-life balance

Being a working mom is more doable and less stressful now that I have a little more work-life balance.

I try to work every Monday and Wednesday and alternate working one weekend day every other week. That way, I switch between working two days one week and three the next.

My husband has to be home by 5 pm on the days I work so he can relieve our nanny. It puts a bit of a strain on him to leave work early those days, but he makes up for it by staying late later on other days.

We share our amazing nanny, Ana, with another family she works with on the days she is not with us. We guarantee her 2 to 3 days a week whether I work or not.

Quality vs. Quantity Time

I feel very fortunate because I believe I have a balance between working mostly full-time and being kind of like a stay-at-home mom on my days off.

In fact, I think it’s possible that being a working mom with my schedule allows me to spend more quality time with my daughter than if I didn’t work at all.

When I’m at work, I am completely engaged and focused. I look forward to thinking critically, applying my skills, and helping to improve people’s lives. I’m constantly learning and applying myself in difficult situations.

Then when I’m home, I can completely shut that part of my brain off and be fully present.

Our fun activities on one of my off days typically include going to the park or for walks, meeting friends out for play dates, cooking, errand running, or just hanging out at the house. There is a lot of reading, playing, giggling, and even a daily nap (for Mommy, too!).

Finding Gratitude

As a healthcare professional, I value the time I get to spend at home with my daughter, even if it is just running errands together. Balancing the demands of work and motherhood can be challenging, but I am thankful for the opportunity to separate these two important aspects of my life. Many careers don’t have that option.

As a working mother, I have had to make sacrifices and find creative solutions to achieve a work-life balance. This can be a daunting task, but I am grateful that I can do this in nursing. Not all professions offer this opportunity.

Additional recommended reading:

Quick, Healthy Snacks To Eat on the Go

Quick, Healthy Snacks To Eat on the Go

A busy schedule can leave you no time to pack a lunch or sit down to have a meal. A jam-packed schedule shouldn’t become a habit, but embracing it when it does happen is the best course of action. One of the best ways to do that is to take snacks on the go—that way, you can eat them at your convenience. For a few quick, healthy snacks to eat on the go, continue reading below.

Trail Mix

Trail mix is a fan favorite. It’s a delicious way to satisfy your cravings or eat quickly when you’re in a pinch. This mix is usually a combination of dried fruits, nuts, chocolate, and grains. The best part of trail mix is that there are so many different combinations to enjoy. The possibilities are endless.

Veggies and Yogurt Dip

Veggies might not be your first choice of snack, but you might change your mind if you dip your veggies in a tasty yogurt dip. It’s an incredibly healthy option—and you’ll love the taste. It isn’t the easiest snack to transport since you must keep the yogurt cold, but if you pack it in an insulated lunch box ahead of time, you can totally eat it on the go.

Flavored Honey Sticks

This treat is both tasty and full of nutrients. All you have to do is hold one end of the flavored honey stick straw, pinch or bite the seam until the other end opens, and squeeze the contents out until you taste the sweet nectar inside. This honey stick treat is perfect for a quick pick-me-up; plus, it comes in a multitude of flavors.

Hard-Boiled Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods. They’re an excellent source of high-quality protein and rich in B vitamins, zinc, calcium, and other beneficial minerals. In addition to all the health benefits, they’re also super-easy treats to grab and go when you’re in a rush.

All these tasty treats are extremely practical. There are countless other quick, healthy snacks to eat on the go, but these are some favorites. Try them today!

Prayers For The Sick & For Nurses Amid COVID-19

Prayers For The Sick & For Nurses Amid COVID-19

*This post contains prayers for the sick, prayers for the dying, and prayers for healthcare workers amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 outbreak has been a scary time for many people, especially those who have tested positive or have friends and family who are fighting the virus.

Sometimes it is difficult to come up with words of comfort during such a scary, unpredictable time in the world.

If you find yourself struggling with how to show support for those around you during the COVID-19 pandemic, sending a prayer is a positive way to find and give strength to those around you who need it most.

Here are three simple prayers for the sick and for other frontline healthcare workers to offer love and support, as we come to terms with the devastating effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

Prayer for nurses and other healthcare workers

Prayer for nurses and healthcare workers during COVID-19

Prayer for nurses and healthcare workers during COVID-19

Dear Father In Heaven,

Please be with the doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers who are fighting on the front lines amid the COVID-19 pandemic.  Guide their minds and hands and bring them calm determination throughout each step of the day.  Let your light shine on them as they perform their selfless duties and let them know how much we appreciate them and all the work they do.

Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.  Amen.

Prayer for the dying amid COVID-19

Prayer for the dying amid COVID-19

Our Heavenly Father,

We ask you with a broken heart to cover us with your infinite peace and comfort.   You alone know our anguish and pain caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic.  Please welcome, _______  into your heavenly graces.  We trust in you to help them be pain-free and joyful, wrapped in your loving arms forever.

In Jesus’ Name, We Pray.  Amen

Prayer for the sick fighting COVID-19

Prayer for the sick fighting COVID-19

Prayer for the sick fighting COVID-19

Dear Lord,

Please let your faithful presence guide our loved one with comfort and courage during this time of illness from COVID-19.  Bring your peace to their mind and give them the strength they need to regain their health.  Let your light shine on all the doctors and health care workers who are working tirelessly to help them recover.

Through Jesus Christ Our Lord.  Amen.

Additional recommended reading:

Travel Nursing 101: The Pros, Cons, and How to Get Started

Travel Nursing 101: The Pros, Cons, and How to Get Started

Nurses often want to know the pros and cons of travel nursing before making a colossal life-altering career decision.  If you have been considering travel nursing as a potential career trajectory, this article is for you.

Travel nursing offers an opportunity for career growth.

For anyone who dreams of entering the healthcare field to help others but doesn’t want to be tied down to working in a single facility, becoming a travel nurse is an appealing option. As a travel nurse, you can spend your days working in different facilities in your immediate area, taking care of patients in their homes, or providing skilled nursing services as needed in different parts of the country—or even the world.

In a lot of ways, travel nursing is amazing. That doesn’t mean, though, that there aren’t any potential drawbacks. If you are considering a career in travel nursing, keep reading to learn a bit more about the pros and cons, and how to get started.

Additional recommended reading:   The Pros And Cons Of 12 Hour Shifts

Travel Nursing Pros

Let’s start with the good stuff. As a travel nurse, you will have the opportunity to live in various towns and cities throughout the nation. In some instances, you may even get to travel to exotic locations in other parts of the world. You’ll get to meet new people and immerse yourself in unfamiliar cultures.

When you work as a travel nurse, you quickly gain valuable work experience. You can gain knowledge that would likely take you years to learn in a single location in a matter of months. And if you don’t love your current nursing job, accepting a travel position can provide you with an easy way to escape.

As a travel nurse, you’ll be able to take more time off throughout the year as you choose. You have a higher degree of flexibility and control over your schedule than you do when working at a single facility. Because travel nurses work through staffing agencies, you will have the opportunity to try out potential employers before committing to a full-time position.

Travel nursing is always in high demand.

Travel nurses have a high level of control over where and when they work, so they often have the freedom to go where they want to go, when they want to go. You may even be able to find work in a specific city when you know there is an upcoming event that you would like to attend. Or you could accept an assignment near a friend or family member’s home if you would like to visit them for a few days (or longer).

Travel nurses are in high demand, too, so there are often attractive sign-on bonuses and other incentives that tend to make this career path look pretty appealing.

Travel Nursing Cons

The pros of working as a travel nurse are numerous, but there are also some drawbacks that you should be aware of when you are trying to decide whether it’s the right career for you. For starters, it doesn’t offer the same sort of stability as you would expect in other nursing positions. As a travel nurse, you are classified as a temporary employee, which makes it much easier for your employer to terminate your working relationship. Being classified as a temporary employee can also make it more challenging to collect unemployment benefits if you are terminated.

While you may have more flexibility in terms of taking time off, you shouldn’t expect that time to be paid. Paid time off is rare for travel nurses and, even when it is available, it’s usually tough to qualify for.

When you take on a new assignment, there will usually be onboarding requirements that can be quite time-consuming, and in many instances, they’re unpaid. Travel nurses also tend to move around a lot, which can make it challenging to build and maintain personal relationships.

Last, if you have what the IRS considers a “tax home,” many of the reimbursements and stipends you receive as a travel nurse are non-taxable. This may seem like a good thing because it means more money on your paycheck. However, it also means a lower gross income on paper. This could be problematic in the eyes of loan officers or when you reach retirement age.


You can meet nurses from all over the world as a travel nurse.

Getting Started as a Travel Nurse

For many people, the pros of being a travel nurse outweigh the cons. If it still sounds like a career that you would be interested in, you will need to have the appropriate qualifications to get started. Most travel nurses are RNs, so you will need to have completed nursing school and become one before you are qualified for the job. Some agencies also work with LPNs, but you will have a much easier time being placed if you are an RN.

Keep in mind that you will need to be licensed to work in states other than your own. If you do not have the proper licensing to work in a state where you would like to be assigned, however, your staffing agency should be able to help you obtain it.

You usually need to have some experience working in a traditional nursing position, too. Before you can start traveling across the country as a nurse, you’ll need to spend a year or two (at minimum) working in a hospital or another facility. If you plan on working in a specialized field, such as ICU or labor and delivery nursing, additional bedside experience may be required.

Of course, you’ll also need the general supplies that are required for nurses. Do some research to discover the best shoes for nurses, find scrubs that are appropriate for the climate in which you will be working, etc.

The Bottom Line

Life as a travel nurse can be challenging, but it is also incredibly rewarding. If you think this career path is right for you, now is a great time to start preparing for your future. Whether you prefer to keep your travel distance relatively small or you dream of helping patients throughout the entire country, when you look and feel your best in your favorite scrubs and are committed to reaching your goals, anything is possible!

Adela Ellis, RN

Adela Ellis is a full-time nurse and part-time ambassador for Infinity Scrubs. Adela attended the University of Arizona and has been a travel nurse for the last six years. She enjoys working with different doctors, nurses, and patients from all over the country and blogging about her experiences. In her free time, she loves true-crime podcasts and cooking for friends and family.  

Additional recommended reading: