The Motherhood

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Latest in Motherhood

Laundry Room Safety For Grandparents With Dementia

Laundry Room Safety For Grandparents With Dementia

Just like we baby-proof our homes to keep our kids safe, older adults with dementia need to be protected as well. Adults suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or other cognitive disabilities can get confused easily and accidents can happen in an instant. Use these simple caregiver safety tips to keep the laundry room safe. Packets up!

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Should Men Get Paternity Leave From Work?

Should Men Get Paternity Leave From Work?

Paternity leave is a controversial subject.  But one study in Sweden has shown that taking paternity leave is actually good for mom’s health. Here is one women’s story about managing without paternity leave – as well as other arguments in support of how paternity leave is beneficial for children in the early years and beyond.

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5 Simple Steps For Laundry Room Safety

5 Simple Steps For Laundry Room Safety

As an emergency room nurse, I have witnessed first-hand plenty of accidents involving children that could have been prevented- including the ingestion of household items.   It only takes a second for those tiny, delicate hands to get into trouble when a home isn’t properly child-proofed. So in honor of emergency nurses week this October and my desire to encourage other parents to take an active stance in child-proofing their homes, my #1 safety message this year is to encourage parents to put their packets up!

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