14 Best NEW Nurse Bloggers & Influencers In 2020
There are a whole lot of NEW nurse bloggers and influencers showing up in 2020.
Many nurses are doing more than just working at the bedside these days. In fact, there are a few taking the interweb by storm as nurse bloggers and healthcare writers.
But many of the best nurse bloggers I follow these days aren’t always necessarily writing about nursing, or even healthcare, for that matter. They have their own unique brands and personalities – and many intertwine both their personal and professional lives within their online businesses.
To make this list, the nurse influencer needed to also have their own self-hosted website in addition to their other social media handles. It’s wonderful to be an Instagram sensation, but it’s also important to have a home base (er, blog!) to call your home. (After all, that is the only platform out there that you can actually own).
Here were a few other things taken into consideration:
- Interesting topic selection
- Original content ideas (there is a lot of regurgitation out there!)
- Has at least one self-hosted website to match their brand
- Consistent publication
- On multiple social media handles
Check out these amazing nurse bloggers you may not have heard of yet!
Sarah Wells, New Thing Nurse
Sarah K. Wells, MSN, RN, is the founder and innovator at NewThingNurse.com. Her passion is to help nurses of all ages, specialties, and experience levels harness that power to accomplish their academic, professional, and personal goals through supportive coaching and advisement.
As part of her book of business, Sarah also offers social media consulting and 1:1 content writing coaching.
In addition, Sarah is a nationwide educational and motivational speaker on many subjects, including finding your first job as a new grad, keeping your nursing career fresh, workplace violence, mock code creation, RNs and social media use, and bridging generational gaps within the nursing profession.
Nurse Loves Farmer
Sarah is an emergency room nurse who, you guessed it, loves a farmer. She frequently writes about her life raising three little boys on their family farm while managing her career as a nurse.
Sarah’s niche topics include farming, home-cooked recipes, family life, all things motherhood, and photography. She is very active and has a large following on Instagram and Facebook.
In addition, she has contributed to the Huffington Post, Yummy Mummy Club, Parent-Tested Parent-Approved (PTPA) websites, as well as The Western Producer. She also previously wrote for Rocky Mountain Equipment’s internal newsletter and is a regular contributor to Grainews Magazine.
Nurse Nikki, Nurse Tribe
Nikki, an ICU nurse and yoga instructor, is the creator of Nurse Tribe, a website dedicated to helping nurses overcome burnout through yoga and meditation.
On her website, she teaches nurses how to stress less, stay fit and cultivate holistic wellness from within. She offers helpful guides for self-care goal setting and actionable videos to help improve the physical and mental health of nurses, both in and out of scrubs.
Damion Jenkins, The Nurse Speak
Damion Jenkins, RN, MSN, is the CEO of The Nurse Speak, a boutique nursing education and consulting company. He specializes in creating individualized consulting, mentoring, and tutoring services for nursing students, new graduate nurses, other healthcare program students, and healthcare-related companies.
Jenkins was also a speaker at the 2019 National Nurses in Business Association. He spoke about “building your brand identity from idea to reality.” So not only is he an interesting nurse influencer to follow, but he’s teaching other nurse creators to do the same.
Carol Bush, The Social Nurse & Savvy Scribe Podcast
Carol Bush, RN, BSN, is a self-described “crazy Memah” and woman of many talents: oncology RN, podcast host, writing coach, connector, healthcare writer, and entrepreneur.
As co-host of The Savvy Scribe Podcast, she provides business-building strategies, systems, and success stories for high-performing health writers to her students in The Savvy Scribe Tribe.
One thing that makes Carol especially unique is how she is encouraging many retiring nurses to take on “high-performing healthcare writing” as an encore career.
Janine Kelbach, Write RN & Savvy Scribe Podcast
Janine Kelbach, a labor and delivery nurse of 13 years, is the creator of Write RN, a business platform for coaching nurses on how to become successful healthcare writers. She is also a co-host of the Savvy Scribe Podcast, where she provides business-building strategies, systems, and success stories for high-performing health writers to her students in The Savvy Scribe Tribe.
Kelbach started writing for different healthcare blogs and websites in 2012. Currently, Janine is currently writing articles and social media content for publishing companies and various clients, including Motherly, parenting websites, and online nursing magazines.
(You can find more of Janine’s work and janinekelbach.contenly.com).
Emma & Dan, The Other Shift
Emma is a Clinical Nurse Specialist who works rotating shifts as an emergency room nurse, as well as a primary nurse blogger for their website, The Other Shift. Her husband, Dan, is the backbone of all things “techy” in the business.
Together, Emma and Dan created The Other Shift, a blog dedicated to helping shift workers manage sleep fatigue, find time for exercise, stay healthy, and find the right balance between ‘you time’ and managing relationships.
On their website, you can find helpful courses, survival guides, meal plans, and advice for nurses who want to find control in having an irregular schedule.
Sarah Jividen, Mother Nurse Love
Sarah, BSN, RN, is an emergency room nurse, Urban Zen Integrative Therapist, healthcare writer, and blogger at MotherNurseLove.com. She also has a prior bachelor’s degree in Journalism.
After becoming a parent and finding that there was a lack of support for RN moms, Sarah created Mother Nurse Love, a resource that helps inspire the Nurse Mom to recognize their own self-care needs, provide useful nurse & mom lifestyle information, and thrive in both family and career.
Her writing has also been featured on other popular nurse sites, including Nurse.org, Very Well Health, Health.com, Everyday Health, and the Huffington Post.
Cat Golden, Nine Lives Health
Cat Golden, RN BSN, is a pediatric RN with a prior business degree and the creator of Nine Lives Health. Her website provides nurses with a centralized community of support and a variety of tools that provide structure to the nurse mindset.
She founded the LEAP LAND LIVE Method, a personalized mentorship program, to help nurses find routine and stability in what is normally the chaos of nursing.
In addition, Cat founded the #nursesinspirenurses movement to help nurses take control of their current work situations and inspire positive changes in the nursing profession by supporting one another.
Kate, Real Food RN
Kate is an ICU nurse, mom, and enthusiastic foodie turned blogger at RealFoodRN.com. In her years of nursing, she found herself disappointed with a healthcare system that often pushes pills instead of focusing on disease prevention. This leads her to go back to school for holistic nutrition and learn to counsel people on how to live a better life through nutrition.
Not only does she blog regularly about delicious, healthy recipes, but she also started the Real Food RN Wellness Podcast, where she talks about all things healthy eating.
Kate has been featured in publications such as Nurse.org, Healthy Holistic Living, and Health Starts In The Kitchen.
Nurse Mike, Have Mursy
Michael Ward is an acute care nurse practitioner student, critical care nurse, keynote speaker, fitness enthusiast, dad to 5 boys, and creator of the blog HaveMursey.com.
As a self-proclaimed advocate for men in nursing, Mike states that his mission is to change the stigma associated with men in the profession. In addition to his blog where he writes about various nurse education and lifestyle topics, he has a very strong influencer following on Twitter.
K Chandler Rosemont, The Traveling Nurse
K Chandler, a pediatric RN, goes by the name “The Traveling Nurse” and strives to motivate her readers to work hard and travel harder. On her website and blog, TheTravelingNurse.com, she strives to give back to others through donated medical supplies and sharing valuable nursing lifestyle information.
In addition to her globe-trotting as a travel nurse and on medical missions (most recently in Kenya!), she really shines as an Instagram influencer. Her gorgeous feed documents her amazing nursing care and highlights her travels around the world.
Anna Rodreguez, The Burnout Book
Anna M. Rodriguez, BSN, RN, CCRN, PCCN, is an experienced nurse all over the hosptial setting: medical/surgical, telemetry, cardiovascular ICU, nurse manager, and even travel nursing. She created her website TheBurnoutBook.com to highlight issues within the nursing profession, such as burnout, compassion fatigue, and moral distress.
As a nurse influencer, Anna is a blogger, conference speaker, and AACN ambassador. In addition, she is an Instagram favorite among many nurses, where she provides honest personal candor and inspiration for many nurses struggling within the nursing profession.
Amanda, The Resume Rx
Amanda is an Ivy-league-educated nurse practitioner, twin mom, freelance writer, and content creator at TheResumeRX.com. She states on her website that superb grammar is her love language and has a passion for helping nurses create clean, modern resumes and cover letters that make a memorable first impression.
But she not only creates incredible nursing resume templates and provides courses to help nurses find their dream job – but she also manages to blog frequently on her website. Her content is original, inspiring, and actionable.
Her Instagram account is as clean and beautiful as her templates, and she has a large (and growing) following among nurses.
Lindsay Pemble, Yoga Health Nurse
Lindsey is a nurse practitioner and yoga instructor with a passion for teaching nurses preventative holistic healthcare from the yoga mat. Her mission: to help nurses transform and live their best nurse lives.
She offers online programs, live programs and even does private coaching, all of which can be accessed from her website YogaHealthNurse.com. If you become a part of her email list, she has fantastic bi-weekly doses of yoga inspiration and offers a way to connect with a group of other like-minded nurse yogis (including many first-timers!)
In conclusion
I hope you enjoyed reading about these up-and-coming nurse influencers! If you haven’t already, take a moment to check out some of their websites. You may find a new nurse influencer that resonates with you and can help inspire you within your own personal and professional life!
Additional recommended reading: