Nurse Work Life Balance
Nurse Work Life Balance

Simple Stress Management For Nurses
It is no surprise that prolonged stress damages the body. Yet many nurses are dealing with unchecked chronic stress for years or even decades. Still, the passion that many nurses have for helping others drives them to continue forward in their nursing careers. But who is helping nurses? Read more about simple ways nurses can manage stress so they can continue living a happy and healthy career in nursing.

Fit Nurse: Simple Ways To Exercise As A Busy Nurse Mom
Over the last month I have been interviewing fellow nurse moms to find out how they manage to squeeze in a workout while balancing motherhood and 12 hour shifts. The feedback I received was very encouraging! The conversations I had with these nurses convinced me that it is in fact very possible to stay fit when it seems that there is no more time in the day. Read more to learn how.

Nurse Burnout Symptoms To Watch Out For
The nursing profession tends to attract the most compassionate and empathetic of the human population. For that reason, nurses are also the most susceptible to experiencing “burnout.” Eventually, chronic overwork and stress can lead to nurse burnout symptoms such as exhaustion, anxiety, physical injury or even depression. If you have been a nurse for a while then you probably know exactly what I’m talking about. Read more to discover the signs and symptoms of nurse burnout so you can find ways to help rediscover your passion for nursing again.

Bouncing Back From Burnout Interview With Jessica Smith, RN
Nurse burnout sucks. I’ve totally been there. So, it may seem odd at first to hear that I also LOVE talking about nurse burnout. In fact, I think every nurse experiences burnout at some point in their career (if you haven’t please email me back and let me know your secret!). Here’s the kicker: once you admit you have an issue with nursing burnout you open yourself to the idea of potential solutions. But if you just pull your hoodie over your eyes and continue to suffer in silence then nothing ever changes. And your burnout gets even worse. So, let’s talk about solutions for nurse burnout! Have a listen to my Bouncing Back From Burnout interview with fellow ER Nurse and Nurse Coach, Jessica Smith!

Nurse Life: How To Achieve A Work Life Balance
Many nurses struggle with finding a work life balance. With increasingly demanding 12-hour shifts, it can be tough to stay healthy and sane when you are constantly going mile a minute. Here a a few tips on how to achieve a work life balance between your nursing career and your personal life!
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