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Simple Mom Self Care Goals You Need Now
You can’t pour from an empty cup. Here are a few helpful mom self-care tips to keep yourself happy, healthy and sane in 2020.

Why Nurses Need To Practice Yoga: Self Care For The Caregiver
Nursing is a challenging career. In addition to physical problems such as chronic back pain, being a nurse can contribute to additional issues like burnout, compassion fatigue, chronic stress or even depression. Nurses need to make self care a priority. One way to do that is by developing a regular yoga practice. Read more to learn what the research says about the benefits of having a yoga practice.

Headspace: How An App Is Making Meditation More Attainable
Headspace is an app that is making meditation more attainable to anyone living a busy life. It includes several different types of meditations from 10 minutes to 1 hour in length. This post also gives tips for other ways to incorporate frequent meditation into your life.
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